Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Book Review: Almost Perfet

Author: Orly Krauss-Winer
Pages: 266
Type: Thriller/Suspense
Description: A Saturday off-road outing leads to a burned-out car with a man's body inside: a young and successful lawyer found dead, with no known enemies. 
Three women, all deeply connected in some way to the victim, are swept into the investigation, involving a post-WWII love affair, an embezzlement case, and a brilliant police detective. When the truth is revealed, secrets are exposed – they must all face a difficult, complex, and unexpected reality. 

My Review: I absolutely love the cover of this book. It's so timeless, get so haunting at the same time. I think it really fit's the book perfectly. I am one of those readers who always judge a book by it's cover. =)
This was a great book. I have been getting lucky lately with the books I've been reading, as they have all been pretty good. But I have to say that I think this is one of my favorite's of the year. It is a very light read. There isn't too much you have to think about, it wasn't a huge blow-out at the end where it was a big shocker. But the book was very well written, the character's were very likable, and it made the suspense of the book even more fun.

Find it HERE on Amazon to purchase. 

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