Sunday, September 28, 2014

49 Cent Clothes!!

Yes, you read that title correctly, clothes are only .49!

I'm not sure if I am the only one that didn't know this, BUT every Sunday, Goodwill stores have a special where certain tags on their clothes are 49 cents! WHAT?!?! Yes, this is true! I had no clue about it until last week when I went into a thrift store, found a bunch of sweaters for the upcoming winter, and a friend told me about it.

Nice toilet, eh? ;-)

This WHOLE outfit, only cost me $1.47! Yes, the capri's are a little baggy, but I am thinking with a few more washes and tumble them in the dryer they will be perfect. Anyway, who want's super tight pants anyways? I know I don't.
The cardigan is such a nice quality, heavy and warm. It fit me perfectly. I am not one to button any of my over shirts, so this fits me perfectly. I really like this outfit.

Here is another shirt, with the same tank top and capri's but with a peach colored shirt over the top. This shirt is an Old Navy brand and was only .49. I really like it, it has a stretchy fabric and I like how it looks on me.

And I LOVE this mustard colored cardigan. It has long sleeves at the wrists to roll up, and just looks very classic. I am very happy with this one.

I will for sure be going back again. I also picked up some shirts for my kids, a couple sweaters for my husband for him to wear to work when it get's colder and a couple other shirts for myself that I didn't take a picture of.

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